
What is a database?

A database is a program that allows you to retrieve and store information. Good databases are highly optimized to do this reliably and efficiently with huge amounts of data.

Why are databases important?

Databases store most of the world's information.

What is SQL?

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a language specifically written to interact with databases, but you don't need to know SQL to work with a database. Many frameworks and languages generate SQL for you, so you can work with the database through those languages. If you're serious about programming, however, it's a good idea to learn SQL.

How do you communicate with a database?

Whenever you retrieve information from a website or post to a website, that information is being written to or read from a database. Many of the project programmers work on interact with a database.

What are some common databases?

SQLite, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and Oracle are the most common databases used in programming.