Other Data Types

What is a Boolean value?

A Boolean value represents either true of false. In Python, these values are wriiten as True or False.

What are Boolean values used for?

Boolean values can represent the program's state or a specific condition. For example, you can use variables like can_edit, game_active, and polling_open, which take either a True or False value. When these values are True, certain code sections are enabled as the program is running.

What is a null value?

A null value represents nothing. You would assign a null value to a variable without any defined value. In Python, this is written as None. In logical comparisons, None evaluates to False.

What are null values used for?

The null value is useful in many different situations. For example, you can use it to make some parameters optional for a function. If a value is provided, the given value is assigned to the parameter. If no value is provided, the parameter takes no effect on the program. A function can also return None when it can't do its work, instead of generating an error that might cause the program to crash.